Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Beck's Fusions Gallery 6 - 8 Sep 2007 Trafalgar Square
from O Superman (for Massenet) by Laurie Anderson.
Lia, with sound artists @c (Miguel Carvalhais and Pedro Tudelo(!)), produces a reinterpretation of Laurie Anderson's 1981 hit O Superman (for Massenet). Using software-driven processes and manual manipulation, Lia creates a series of graphics based on Anderson's video, while remixed audio puts minimalist-inspired piano rhythms alongside the original beats and melodies.
"For us, this track is an absolute landmark of late-20th-century music. As musicians and music-lovers, we learned much of what we know, we became much of what we are, from Laurie Anderson's art."


Anonymous said...

poney, your cab tem sempre alto som!

isabel carvalho said...

Se esta rapariga e estes rapazes me dessem permissão para depositar aqui o video...